Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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A Warm Thanks to Rostered Ministers: Join Us in Completing Your Annual Reports

We give thanks as we acknowledge the 96 rostered ministers who have dedicated their time to complete their annual report to the Bishop. Your commitment shines brightly through your participation, with 58 active and 38 retired ministers having submitted their reports.

Last year, we were encouraged to receive a total of 138 reports, encompassing 75 active and 63 retired rostered ministers. As we reflect on these numbers, we recognize the potential for even greater engagement this year. Each report provides invaluable insights into the life and ministry of our rostered ministers, helping us to support one another more effectively and to envision our shared future with clarity.

If you haven't yet submitted your report, we kindly remind our remaining rostered ministers to visit our dedicated page to access the forms. Completing this required report is a key commitment you are invited to make upon entering the synod, an act that nurtures our community's bonds and helps us to grow in service and faith together.