Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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‘Blessed Together’: A Tapestry of Faith at the All Saints Sunday Unity Celebration

Every year the three ELCA congregations that call the corner of 51st Ave & W Myrtle in Glendale, AZ their church home come together for a joint worship service and picnic. This year’s theme was “Blessed Together” as Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Fellowship, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and Vida Nueva Iglesia Luterana celebrated All Saints Sunday on the campus of St. John’s, where the three communities of faith share space. Guests of the celebration included members of Pan de Vida Iglesia Luterana, Surprise, AZ.     

The worship was indeed a spirit-filled “heaven on earth” experience. Each of the three worshipping communities fully participated, giving an offering of each one’s language, music, scripture, and prayer. Those who died this past year were remembered with the lighting of candles. An infant was baptized and welcomed into the gathering of earthly saints.

The picnic offered an opportunity to break down barriers and experience God’s kingdom here and now more fully. In the preparation of traditional foods and breaking of bread, each community had an opportunity to share an important part of their rich culture with others. While St. John’s grilled hamburgers & hotdogs, members of Emmanuel dished out akop from a piping hot kettle, and members of Vida Nueva plated enchiladas, pozole, and strawberry salad. The expenses for the meal were sponsored in part by the Grand Canyon Stewardship Team using funds from their GCS Project Grant titled, “The Generosity Project: Holy Exchange.”

Present at both the worship & the picnic were members of the synod’s Stewardship Team: Duane Gilson, Janis Richert, and Linda Staats. The team gave thanks for the more than 200 Lutherans gathered, representing ten decades of life — newborns to wise elders in their nineties. With assistance from the West Valley Young Adult Community, led by Casey Goslin, the Stewardship Team provided colored dots on nametags and table tents with suggestions for a continued “holy exchange” between members of the varied worshipping communities, cultures, households and generations.

The Grand Canyon Synod gives thanks for the ministry, leaders, vision and generosity of Vida Nueva Iglesia Luterana, Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Church, and St. John’s Lutheran Church. We are blessed together to be church together.