Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Healing of Memories for Veterans and 1st Responders at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center

The Institute for the Healing of Memories (IHOM) trained facilitators will lead this veteran’s and 1st reponder healing workshop. It provides a safe place to explore personal histories and gain insight and empathy for themselves and others in response to the emotional, psychological and spiritual wounds inflicted by war, human rights abuses, moral injury, and trauma.

In 2013 The Institute for the Healing of Memories (IHOM) and Spirit in the Desert presented the first ever Healing of Memories Workshop for Veterans. Since then we have held 2 to 4 workshops every year. This workshop in November is open to any gender and for veterans and 1st responders.

The November workshop begins with dinner on 11/1/19 at 6pm, and ends at 2:30pm on 11/3/19. We will fill up quickly, call soon: (480) 488-5218 and ask for Cyndy, or (651) 687-9767 for Mike Wold, IHOM No. America Program Manager. View the flyer or visit the event page for more info.