Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Join the Final Stretch of the Region 2 Lenten Challenge: A Journey of Faith and Action

As we enter the final weeks of our 2024 Region 2 Lenten Challenge, it's a great time to reflect on the journey we've undertaken together and to remind ourselves that it's not too late to join or recommit to our four practices. This Lent, we embarked on a spiritual and communal challenge designed to deepen our faith, connect with our community, and make a tangible impact in the world around us.

Our challenge included daily prayer, acts of kindness, scripture reading, and a commitment to ELCA World Hunger—a holistic approach to Lent that goes beyond traditional observances. Whether you've been with us from the beginning or are just hearing about our Lenten Challenge, now is the perfect time to engage with these practices.

If you haven't signed up yet, don't worry—there's still time to be part of this transformative experience. Visit our sign-up page today and join the many others in our region who are making this Lenten season a time of growth, service, and reflection.

Remember, Lent is not just about giving something up; it's about taking something on—something that brings us closer to God, our neighbors, and the world in need. Let's finish this Lenten season strong, embracing our four practices with renewed vigor and commitment.