Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Bishop Eaton: Support peace in Palestine and Israel

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton calls for support of peace in Palestine and Israel. She asks for people to write President Biden and members of Congress urging they send a message to Israel to halt the illegal removal of East Jerusalem families from their homes and respect the Status Quo agreement and holy sites in Jerusalem. To show your support, go to:

“Violence between Israelis and Palestinians that we have witnessed in the past couple of days is a shocking escalation of the conflict…” begins Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton in this video message. “In the context of Israel and Palestine, we are seeking a positive peace: peace with justice where human dignity is upheld and human rights are protected. We have a responsibility as people of faith who see all – Christians, Jews, and Muslims – created in the image of God to love our neighbor and to work for the common good.”

Use the Action Alert at from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Peace Not Wallscampaign to express your concerns and convictions to the president and lawmakers at this urgent and specific moment.

Here you can read the full video transcript: Peace in Palestine and Israel video transcript.