2020 ELCA Financial Picture

From the most recent Stories of Faith in Action (SOFIA), we share a snapshot of giving in the ELCA. In 2020, ELCA members gave $1.7 billion in unrestricted offerings* to support God’s mission and ministry through the three expressions of the ELCA: congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization.

Thank you for your generosity that enable us to be communities together in Christ serving the world!


$1.6 billion was stewarded by over 8,900 ELCA congregations.

$90.2 million was shared by congregations as Mission Support.

2.9% — SYNODS 

$49.5 million in Mission Support was stewarded by the ELCA’s 65 synods.


$40.7 million in Mission Support was stewarded by the ELCA churchwide organization.

*Unrestricted offerings do not include special offerings (e.g., congregational capital improvements or gifts to ministries such as Lutheran Disaster Response or ELCA World Hunger).