Unpacking Power, Privilege, and the Intersection of Identities
Join synod leaders from Region 2, including our Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, for a panel dialogue on how racism, sexism, bullying, anti-LGBTQIA rhetoric shows up in our spaces, and how the intersection of identities plays into this.
This Facebook Live event will be Thursday, 10/22/2020 at 4pm MST: fb.me/e/30OkGTPA4.
They will explore how leaders can become more aware and address these realities as well as processes and protections for reporting harassment and bullying.
Bishop Jim Gonia (RMS)
Bishop Andy Taylor (Pacifica)
Rev. Leslie Welton (RMS)
Deacon Erin Power (RMS)
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta (Grand Canyon)
Rev. Tita Valeriano (Sierra Pacific)
Barbara Keller (Churchwide Organization)