Posts in Kino Conference
Tucson's Open Space December 2019 newsletter

From Pastor Lars Hammar comes Open Space’s newsletter. Click here to view it in PDF.

Excerpt: “Live Graffiti Art Show was a great hit again this year. We had more artists outside, musicians inside, and stuff being made than ever before. A shout out to our mural painters: Nox, Boer, Rogue, Segy, Qwik, Eroe, Citizen Klown, Ivan, Eagle, Retro.” Learn more at

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Prayers for Church of the Foothills, Tucson

We pray for The Lutheran Church of the Foothills in Tucson. We lift up the congregation and Pastor John Lillie, Administrative Assistant Dakota Worden, “Desert Song” Pianist Marjorie Ahlstrand, Organist Ralph Geror, Jr., and Celebration Choir Director Dr. Andy Bade as they celebrate New Life in Christ, seek to love God with their whole being, and love their neighbors as themselves.

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22 tons of clothing processed at Streams in the Desert Lutheran, Tucson

Pastor Tom Dunham of writes: “On Monday, July 22, two semi loads of clothing arrived from Pennsylvania at Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church in Tucson. The 44,000 pounds of clothing was unloaded by hand and stacked in the church’s storage shed in less than 3 hours. Members of Streams and many other area churches, totaling 50 volunteers, worked hard in the summer heat in this labor of love. Over the next three weeks trucks from McAllen, Texas to San Ysidro, California will be arriving to take loads of clothing back to the refugee and asylum centers along the Mexican border. We are truly the church together!”

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Prayers for Abounding Grace, Tucson

We pray for Abounding Grace Lutheran Church in Tucson as they fulfill their mission to be God's instruments on earth, reaching out to the unchurched, loving their neighbors and welcoming all.

We lift up their faithful staff: Reverend Keith Hardy, Parish Secretary Jay Froehlich, Music Director Steve Natoli, Financial Secretary Bill Aurand. We pray for the church council: President Bill Froehlich, Vice President Mark Westlake, Council Secretary Jay Froehlich, Treasurer Brendan Victorson. We pray for deacons Walter Brewer, Paul Surhoff, Ken Luthro, Jeff Williams, and Karen Paye.

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