Striving to live in the strategic plan of the Grand Canyon Synod, Simon’s Project was established to seek and create new ways to connect and grow our rich diversity through multi-cultural ministries.

Several lay and rostered members of the synod participate in broadening their church and life experiences via readings, discussion, sharing, listening, and encouraging their worshiping spaces to reach out into the communities that surround them. 

We, Simon’s Project, believe that we must bring to the church’s attention that the church has not lived into its Christian calling as expressed in the 20-year-old ELCA social statement "Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture.”

We are named after Simon of Cyrene at Luke 23:26, who carried the cross for Jesus, because we believe as disciples of Christ we are called to carry the burdens of society and in Christ live into the Kingdom of God here on earth.
