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Healing of Memories Workshop: Live via Zoom from SITD

  • Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center (map)
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Learn to deal with emotional, psychological and spiritual wounds from traumatic circumstances by deeply exploring your personal history.

What are Healing of Memories Workshops?

Created by Father Michael Lapsley, the founder of the Institute for Healing of Memories, the Healing of Memories Workshop is a two day weekend residential workshop that provides psychological and spiritual healing the by participants By exploring and acknowledging the emotional and spiritual wounds carried by individuals, communities and nations, These workshops are designed to break the destructive cycle of suffering, anger and violence that can disfigure societies. The workshops enable people from different ethnic groups, races, and faith traditions reach a better understanding of themselves and each other.

Healing of Memories workshops are held in safe, secure venues and led by trained facilitators. We create a safe and sacred space in which participants can share painful experiences in a spiritual, yet non-sectarian atmosphere of deep listening and mutual respect. We seek to be fully inclusive and respectful of diversity.

When telling their stories, participants are encouraged to describe their situations in the context of the history of their countries and their families and ancestors. Connecting with others in relation to their distress, often for the first time, allows participants to move forward feeling unburdened, lighter, and empowered to find solutions to their problems.

Healing of Memories Workshops provide a respectful, safe space. We pose questions for personal reflection that catalyze participants’ ability to get in touch with their feelings and ideas of identity, agency, justice, peace, healing and reconciliation. The storytelling exercises and discussions raise consciousness of diverse experiences and challenges. We believe that when personal stories are heard and acknowledged, individuals feel healed and empowered. Through deep listening and meaningful sharing, human relationships can be transformed and restored.

Participation provides a safe experiential and interactive way to overcome anger, loss grief and guilt and can be one step on the journey to healing and wholeness. It contributes not only to personal healing, but also to the healing of interpersonal relationships.“In our Healing of Memories work we have created a powerful method that honors people for their sacrifices and yet encourages them in the fullness of time to lay down their burdens and integrate pain into a new life. In this way none of us need remain imprisoned by the past, but we can become agents of the future, helping to shape and create a better world.” —Father Michael Lapsley

Participants’ glowing reviews…

  • “Learning that our memories can’t be forgotten, but we can make peace with them.”

  • “Considering how generational stories have impacted my current perspective.”

  • “In 10 years of abuse, I finally heard God tell my heart that He loves me.”

  • “The camaraderie and ability to be heard for the first time and to be validated all at the same time and the opportunity to continue growing were the highlights for me.”

  • “Got rid of 50 years of anger.”

The Institute for Healing of Memories is an international organization that seeks to contribute to lasting individual and collective healing that makes possible a more peaceful and just future.

NOTE: Due to COVID19, the Institute for Healing of Memories is not able to conduct their usual in-person weekend workshops. In order to continue serving all people in need of psychological and spiritual healing, it has created virtual 4-hour online Healing of Memories Workshops based on its highly successful weekend workshop. The live Zoom workshop experience may not be as intense as the full weekend workshop, but does provide a significant level of healing and connection that satisfied IHOM participants have come to expect. @IHOMNA

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After starting her career as a successful family law attorney, Lori Rubenstein, JD, PCC, came to the understanding that the well-being of divorced families was clearly not the task of the legal system. She realized that she was like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole as a divorce attorney. Instead, she chose to follow her own mission – empowering people to heal from their relationship wounds, eventually becoming a certified coach. While seeking that goal, she learned that forgiveness truly is the cornerstone of all healing.

On a personal level, Lori has been twice divorced and today is happily remarried. Her children are grown and she lives a life filled with love and laughter, walking her talk and always striving to make a difference in the world. In addition to her private practice, Lori is a facilitator for Healing of Memories North America, teacher of Divorce Recovery Coaches for Impact Coaching Academy and is a facilitator for Northern Arizona Restorative Justice. Lori was a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children, is an Ambassador for Shared Hope International, a member of the Sedona Advocacy Team for FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation) and was a member of the board of the Sedona International City of Peace. She has a unique ability for holding sacred space for people to heal and mend their past, and to transcend their own “stories.” Inner peace, she teaches, starts with self-love, acceptance, non-judgment and self-compassion. She is the author of three transformational books, including the amazon best seller: Forgiveness: Heal Your Past and Find the Peace YOU Deserve.

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