Lenten Challenge 2024: Transform Lives with ELCA World Hunger

This Lent, we invite you to deepen your spiritual journey by engaging in an act of profound generosity—supporting ELCA World Hunger as part of our Lenten Challenge. In celebration of 50 years of impactful service, we're encouraging each individual to consider a donation of $1 a day during the 40 days of Lent, aiming for a suggested minimum of $50 per person. This initiative isn't just about the total sum raised; it's about individual and communal participation across our synod.

Remember, whether you choose to donate daily or make a one-time contribution, every dollar supports ELCA World Hunger's mission to combat hunger and poverty worldwide. Donations can be made online or through traditional methods like sending a check to your synod office or contributing via your congregation.

Let's embody the spirit of Lent by joining together in this meaningful challenge. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of many, reflecting our shared commitment to caring for our neighbors near and far.