Three expressions of Lutheranism under one roof: The GCS Stewardship Team worships in Glendale, Arizona

by Pastor Dan Potaznick

Three ELCA congregations list St. John’s Lutheran Church, 7205 N 51st Avenue in Glendale, AZ as their address. First, of course, is St. John’s, who welcomes both Iglesia Luterana Vida Nueva and Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Fellowship to utilize the campus as their own. This ministry context offered a unique opportunity for the Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team to worship with three congregations in 3 hours, all by traveling only 50 feet across the courtyard and back.

GCS Council Member Janis Richert, member of Streams of the Desert Lutheran Church in Tucson, and stewardship team member Linda Staats, member of Faith – La Fe Lutheran Church in Phoenix, began the day with the 11am contemporary worship service at St. John’s. Pastor Peter Perry preached, and I presided, alongside our praise band rocking our socks off. We give thanks to God for Pastor Peter and St. John’s Lutheran Church!  

One-hour later Janis, Linda, and I walked across the courtyard to join Vida Nueva for worship in the St. John’s Chapel, where in Spanish congregants prayed, read scripture, and passed out instruments amongst themselves to join in songs of praise. Pastor Joaquin offered a sermon filled so with the Holy Spirit it transcended any language barrier, and then invited me to bring a greeting and offer a blessing which was graciously translated by congregation members. We give thanks to God for Pastor Joaquin and Iglesia Luterana Vida Nueva!

To complete the worship trifecta, the Stewardship Team traveled back to the St. John’s Sanctuary at 1pm to worship with Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Church. Greeted warmly by Vicar Solomon Machar Kuch, we were invited into a memorial service for a young member of the congregation who died in a motor vehicle accident. Members of the child’s tribe in Minnesota and friends from the community joined Emmanuel in celebrating his life and trust in the promise of God. With so many visitors, Vicar Solomon began worship with a greeting, sharing that normally they would worship in Dinka, but since a majority of the congregation that day did not speak Dinka, they would worship in English. He then shared fervently “This is a Lutheran church, we are a Lutheran congregation, and you are welcome here.”  We gave thanks to God for Vicar Solomon and Emmanuel Sudanese Lutheran Church! 

Inspired by the Grand Canyon Synod Holy Exchange grant project to learn and share how generosity is lived out in different cultures between God's people of all ages, we entered into community with our eyes and hearts open to be met by the Holy Spirit. What we found were three congregations worshipping as a multi-generational body with babies, teens, adults, and elders all worshipping together, and on one campus an appreciation for what multicultural ministry can add to our life together in Christ.

Solomon’s welcome spoke to my soul after experiencing three distinctly different Lutheran worship services with three distinctly different Lutheran congregations. All three congregations did not look the same or sound the same yet were all ELCA Lutheran. In each community we experienced the Spirit of Generosity as arms were opened wide with hospitality to our Stewardship Team declaring “you are welcome here”, and for that we give thanks to God.

In Christ,

Pastor Dan Potaznick
Director of Generosity & Strategic Development
Office of the Bishop, Grand Canyon Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America