CWA Reflection: Roger Bailey

We conclude our series of weekly reflections on the 2022 Churchwide Assembly with thoughts from Synod Council Member Roger Bailey with the Colorado River Conference. Each week we shared a 2022 CWA reflection on how we are church together by our synod voting members. View all our 2022 CWA posts here.

This year’s Churchwide Assembly (CWA) was held in Columbus, Ohio and was my second CWA. I previously attended the 2019 CWA in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I found this year’s CWA an eye-opening experience as I saw firsthand the diversity of the ELCA.

We voted for new board members and a new Vice President. We elected Imran Siddiqi as our new Vice President. Imran was raised Muslim and became a Lutheran in 2011. The runner up was Roberto Lara Aranda and Tracey Beasley finished third. All three are people of color and Roberto is a member of the LGBQT+ community.

During the course of five church services, we heard Bible verses read in Spanish, Chinese, and I believe Ethiopian. We were also honored to have Indigenous members of the ELCA read, preach and sing in their native language. Their service was a very moving experience which included burning sage.

I went to an afterhours presentation of Middle East ELCA members. They are also growing in number and a member named Sally Azar is completing her studies in Germany and will return to her homeland in the Middle East. I think that is wonderful - A woman pastor in the Middle East.

This year we voted on several memorials including salary equity, greenhouse gas reduction, fortifying urban ministries, proclaiming our stance on Roe v Wade, and separation agreements for pastors.

Prior to the CWA, there was a lot of stress and rumors about what would happen with the Sierra Pacific Synod. Bishop Eaton gave an emotional apology to them and it was accepted with gratitude.

We met with the Southeast Iowa Synod and are now proud to call them our sister Synod. This is in addition to our relation with the Northeast Iowa Synod whom we share our growing relationship with Mexico. Finally, we have a strong relationship with the Rocky Mountain Synod and we had dinner and fellowship with them.

The Churchwide Council will be working hard the next three years and their results will be voted on at the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in the heart of our very own Grand Canyon Synod. Our Synod will also be working very hard and I look forward to participating in any way possible.